Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Plans go just a smidge awry....

Emigrant Springs State Park in the Blue Mountains of Eastern OR...pine trees surrounding camp facilities for horses, tent campers, rv's and those who prefer to 'rough it' in a cabin....gorgeous park!
We still shake our heads thinking about being the first wagons to weave their way through the pine forests that are still as thick, mountains still treacherous and steep and not a Mickey D's or Starbucks anywhere along the way. OUCH...just thinking about the trek makes my feet hurt.
where is our screwdriver?
This really should have been our first clue that all was not kosher here. Having seen those brown Oregon highway signs that denote something of interest LAST year just outside of Pendleton we were really excited about visiting the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center near Meacham, OR. We spent a cold (burr - mid 20's) night at Emigrant Springs State Park roughly 10 miles from there with the idea of getting a good start on our day.

At the exit we saw this sign....so onward we drive......

only to be met with:

and when it is open, it's T - SU...today is a Monday. (Head slap.)
hmmmm...my driver was less then happy. Regrouping began and off we went to explore the local area - namely,
City of Meacham
and  Hilgard Junction State Park and La Grande in search of evidence that Oregon Trail history isn't just gathered in one stagnate area of the state.

Entrance to Hilgard Junction State Park
Grand Ronde River near Hilgard Junction ... so pretty

Upon our return home we discovered that the real Oregon Trail Interpretive Center outside of Baker City is where we really ought to have gone today...so as we head out of Oregon tomorrow we will pull in there for a walk-about history break.

Hope you will join us....



  1. When I was young, I used to hike in the hills outside of LaGrande when I stayed with my older sister. Up there you could still see the wagon wheel ruts. Pretty awesome experience!! Have fun in Baker City!

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